dinsdag 7 oktober 2014


Perfect and Eternal (detail) at Galerie ROLEDO

Perfect and Eternal (detail)

SECRET SHOW (sorry, not here)
(detail Life on the Balcony, Galerie ROLEDO)

 (semi-overview Life on the Balcony, Galerie ROLEDO)

Story (Galerie ROLEDO)

Undisappearing Pt. Two (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)

Undisappearing Pt. Two (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)

Painting (80x100, oilpaint)
Babel (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)
One of some drawings at Meelfabriek (Leiden)
Undisappearing Pt. Three (Meelfabriek Leiden)

Undisappearing, detail

(Undisappearing Pt. Three, Meelfabriek Leiden)

(Undisappearing in the municipal shredder)

do not disturb, guided tour in progress (sorry)