vrijdag 12 november 2010

New Website!!!

The first Van der Plas & Albrecht project ever has taken of.... 'Conusmer Focus Columnis'. Visit our new website for news on the project, and for news on this new artist-duo! You'll find us at Reitzstraat 246 in Den Haag.

maandag 31 mei 2010

Art Amsterdam 2010 with RC de Ruimte 26-30th of may

Empty stand (monday).

Halfway building up (tuesday).

Joop Stoop, Ulrik Holme Kristensen (DK), Mattijs Bredewold, Leonie van der Plas (missing: Hamid el-Kanbouhi, Wouter Cox, Jeroen Kuster)

Making business-cards (friday)

(picture: Frank van Vliet)

On saturday Jefta Hoed decided that he wanted to cut my hair, right at the RC de Ruimte-stand at Art Amsterdam. I couldn't resist. So he did, at 18.30. (Camera looking right into Willem Baars Projects).

I think the action of cutting my hair, was just the finishing touch to our stand, which was titled 'Jan Steen's kitchen'. (Actually, when I was a child my auntie used to cut my grandfather's hair in the kitchen).

Ready. My hair hasn't been cut this neetly for many years.

Sweeping something off my arm.

Hairs disappearing into the vacuum-cleaner, joining the dead bees of the Cokkie Snoei-stand. (Left-corner: my drawings)

The object in the corner is mine, the painting is made by Joop Stoop.

detail of one of my objects

maandag 10 mei 2010

Somewhere at an old farm....

I now work above where the cows used to live. Sometimes I'm kept of my work by coughing sheep.

This is what you get when you turn your head while looking out of the window....