donderdag 19 februari 2015

you can visit my NEW WEBSITE...


So far, this blog has mainly been inhabited by visual image of my work. I realise that the visual transferable part of my work is nothing more than the summit of a whole mountain - it evolves from a thick underlayer which may be more essentially my work than the tangible (physical/visual) outcome of it. I have found no means yet to communicate about this on the internet. Nevertheless, the physical remains of my first attempt to do so directly with public, is to be seen on the pictures more down below, which I took in the Meelfabriek in Leiden (sept.2014).

See on for my new website!

dinsdag 7 oktober 2014


Perfect and Eternal (detail) at Galerie ROLEDO

Perfect and Eternal (detail)

SECRET SHOW (sorry, not here)
(detail Life on the Balcony, Galerie ROLEDO)

 (semi-overview Life on the Balcony, Galerie ROLEDO)

Story (Galerie ROLEDO)

Undisappearing Pt. Two (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)

Undisappearing Pt. Two (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)

Painting (80x100, oilpaint)
Babel (detail, Galerie ROLEDO)
One of some drawings at Meelfabriek (Leiden)
Undisappearing Pt. Three (Meelfabriek Leiden)

Undisappearing, detail

(Undisappearing Pt. Three, Meelfabriek Leiden)

(Undisappearing in the municipal shredder)

do not disturb, guided tour in progress (sorry)

zondag 5 januari 2014

some 2013

Pop-Up Himalaya (Part 2), Galerie de Pieter, Leiden
Pop-Up Himalaya (Part 2), Galerie de Pieter, Leiden

Pop-Up Himalaya (Part 2), Galerie de Pieter, Leiden
Pop-Up Himalaya (Part 2, detail), Galerie de Pieter, Leiden

Pop-Up Himalaya (Part 1), Galerie de Pieter, Leiden

 In my studio:

"People, listen carefully: only the first one is the best one" 


With Van der Plas & Albrecht at the Rien Monshouwer good-bye show at the Gallery of the Royal Acadamy of Arts in Den Haag: